This set of giftcards are cards
to be used when you have no tangible gift to gift, such as for example:
"a weekendtrip." Try to giftwrap that one! Hence,
you need a giftcard!
Each PDF in this set consists of two cards; one with a
suggestion for a gift and one with the same image but no text. The last one is
for your idea. Use the one which best suits your purpose.
Here is how:

The execution of the gift is totally up to you! All you need to do, is make arrangements
at a store and/or place where the recipient can exchange his/her coupon.
When you for example, give a coupon for a Shopping Spree at a particular shop or mall,
make sure the shopkeeper accepts the coupon, otherwise the recipient cannot use his/her gift coupon.
You can do so by paying the amount your are planning to give to the respective shop, thereby ensuring that the coupon is paid
for and the recipient can shop for free up to the amount as stated on the gift coupon. Make sure you get a receipt or some
other proof of payment!
It is a lot simpeler if you buy a giftcard from a
particular store and insert this in the card.
When you want to give tickets for a Night Out to the Theatre, to name another one, you can buy or reserve tickets for a show that
the recipient has been wanting to see, and then either include the tickets with the card, or have them pre-booked at the
ticket-office at the theatre.
When you give a gift coupon for a Dinner Party, you can make a reservation at a favorite restaurant and give the
giftcard as a symbol to the recipient.
There is no end to the ideas you can come up with! Use your imagination and have a