Let's Create Crafts And Gifts For Charity

Lots of people enjoy creating things.Think about hobbies like making cards scrapbooking, woodworking, photography and many more! 

There is but one problem; what do you do with all the things you already have created and would like to create? That got me thinking: 

Why not create crafts throughout the year for  charity?

When you join the Christmascorner, you will receive ideas, downloads and tips for crafts, greetingcards, decorations, toys, and whatever I can come up with!

You can then either sell all items and donate the money to a worthwhile, reputable charity. 

Or, alternatively, send all items that you have created throughout the year, to children in your local hospital or orphanage, to brighten up their Christmas!

Join today and together we can make this work for the good of all people!


Yes, I want to join the "Christmas Corner" 
to create gifts for charity!

For ONLY $7,00 per month

PLUS the FIRST month FREE!

My subscription will automatically expire after 6 months, 
or when I decide to cancel it!


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